Feel in control of your business finances no matter where you are, and save time by checking your account online, anywhere. Check account balances, make transfers, and pay bills online for your business with Business Online Banking.
Fraud Protection
Know your business finances are safe
The only thing more important than your account information is peace of mind, so rest easy knowing we protect your business financial information from fraud.
Remote Deposit
Make a deposit from your home or business
Navigating traffic, standing in line and driving home are things of the past. Easily make business deposits from the comfort of your home or office.
Had trouble with Online Banking, but it was all me! Very helpful people, prompt responses, and nice too! That's hard to find nowadays.
Contact us
Don't be shy, call us or contact us online to start the process.
Choose credentials
Set up a username and password for your Business Online Banking account.
Manage your account
Whether at home or the office, you can start managing your business account online.
Because Fibre Federal Credit Union holds the security of your account as an absolute mandate, we have installed a variety of safeguards. Your Personal Identification Number (PIN) is a unique set of numeric numbers that only you know. As long as you don’t share your PIN with anyone, no one other than you can sign into your Online Banking account. If you choose to give another party your PIN, you become responsible for any transactions initiated by that party. For your added safety, if you or another party attempts unsuccessfully to log into your Online Banking account, an immediate block will be initiated after 3 unsuccessful attempts, and you will be required to call the credit union, with the proper identification, to remove the account block.
In an effort to further enhance your security, our Online Banking site uses multiple levels of network security. One such level of security we rely on is an industry standard “Secure Sockets Layer” (SSL) encryption technique to secure the information as it passes between your computer and our host system. This level of security is supported by Internet browsers that utilize 40 or 128 bit encryption, depending on your browser’s capabilities. Another level of security is a series of firewalls (specialized systems that are specifically designed to restrict access to unauthorized users) that information must pass through prior to any transaction or information request being processed.
No, Online Banking is a free service.
To establish access, please contact our Member Services Department at 360-423-8750 or 800-205-7872.
The minimum browser requirements for Online Banking are Internet Explorer 11, or the 2 most recent versions of Edge, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. For a greater degree of security, we recommend browsers that support 128 bit encryption and that you always upgrade to the latest version of the browser you choose to use.
Yes, you can set up cross-account transfers to any business account at the credit union.
Online Banking Help can be accessed from the log in page. Additionally, the Help Index can be accessed from any page within Online Banking.
Online Banking is a real time system, which means that as soon as you confirm any transaction on your computer, the exact transaction has been accomplished on your account at the credit union.
If you have problems downloading to Quicken, please contact Quicken directly at http://quicken.com/support.
Yes! Business Online Banking users may use the Bill Pay feature.
Yes! Business Online Banking is available via desktop and the mobile app.
You can easily manage your business finances anywhere
Enjoy this service to take care your business's finances. Keep track of your balances and transactions without making unnecessary trips to a Financial Service Center.
All Rates
Minimum to Open | Minimum Monthly Balance | Minimum to Earn APY | Balance Method | Compounded / Credited | Current Dividend | APY |
$5 |
$5 |
$50 |
Daily |
Monthly |
0.25% |
0.25% |
Rate is effective February 14, 2025 and is subject to change.
Also see terms for accounts.
Open Account
More Features
Online Bill Pay
Available on desktop and our mobile app
Supports multiple users
You set the permission levels for your employees
Download to QuickBooks or Quicken
Review account activity and history
Schedule transfers
Set up account alerts
Retrieve copies of your checks
Make loan payments
Take a loan advance
Paperless E-Statements
Test Modal
Modal Content
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